Tweet Here, you can see Andrew's speeches and appearances in the Assembly (provided by theyworkforyou):
Gig Economy Charter (1) | Questions to the Mayor of London Do you still intend to have a "charter of best practice for on-demand workers" in place by the end of 2022 and if so, when do you plan to co
Crossrail Opening Date | Questions to the Mayor of London When were you made aware of the Crossrail opening date?
PHV Operators (2) | Questions to the Mayor of London When does TfL plan to publish guidance for PHV operators to help them understand the expectations the licensing authority has of them, furth
PHV Operators (1) | Questions to the Mayor of London What has TfL done to assist PHV operators understand its expectations of them further to the ruling in the UTAG vs Uber case in December 202
PHV Operators (3) | Questions to the Mayor of London After a PHV operator licence has been granted, does TfL share the full detail of its evaluation with that PHV operator? If not, why not?
Lower emission diesel alternatives | Questions to the Mayor of London What lower emission diesel alternatives will be used by the construction vehicles building the Silvertown Tunnel?
Childhood Obesity | Questions to the Mayor of London Please can you provide the childhood obesity figures for London for every year since 2016?
ULEZ Cameras | Questions to the Mayor of London Will you be using ULEZ expansion cameras to enhance street safety?
Custom House Crossrail Station Fire Alarm Tests | Questions to the Mayor of London Are residents near Custom House Crossrail station being considered when testing fire alarms in the early hours?
Ambient Loop Systems (8) | Questions to the Mayor of London Will you acknowledge that the current wording of the draft Energy Assessment Guidance, in rejecting ambient loop systems, excludes a viable